As most of you who have followed this devotion in recent years know, there has been long and protracted litigation surrounding copyrights and trademarks of devotionals to Our Lady of America. A former nun, Patricia Fuller, claimed that she

Our Lady of Grace
controlled the devotion through her ownership of copyrights and trademarks. We, the Plaintiffs, argued the visionary Sr. Mary Ephrem had placed these same devotional materials into the public domain for free use by anyone. While this was the central issue, the litigation grew exponentially when the Defendants counter sued the Plaintiffs accusing us of all sorts of illegal and immoral behavior.
In 2014 there was a trial in the United States District Court where the jury found that the devotionals were indeed in the public domain and that we had not engaged in any of the illegal and immoral behavior of which we were accused. The jury also found that the defendants had extensively defamed us by the civil publication of these accusations and thus awarded us substantial damages.
Shortly after the trial the Defendants entered an appeal in the United States 7th Circuit Court of Appeals challenging the entirety of the jury’s verdict.
This past Friday, December 18, 2015 that court entered its Final Judgement on the appeal.
The Appeals Court upheld the entirety of the jury’s findings. The only item the Appeals Court did not uphold was the District Judge’s injunction against future defamation by the Defendants . The Appeals court found it too broad, rendering it un-constitutional under the First Amendment and returned it to the District Judge with instructions for revision.
The devotional materials central to the devotion to Our Lady of America are in the public domain and free for use by anyone! While there is some chance that the Defendants will appeal to the United States Supreme Court, there is little chance that court will accept it on appeal in light of the following quote from the Final Judgement.
“The conduct of the litigation in the district court by the lawyer representing Fuller and Hartman showed, as the district judge explained in granting the request for attorney’s fees, a serious and studied disregard for the orderly processes of justice. That disregard has persisted on appeal. Many of the grounds on which Fuller and Hartman seek reversal were waived, are frivolous, or are incomplete, with the important exception of the permanent injunction entered by the district judge, to which we devote the balance of this opinion.” (page 7)
Our Lady has given us the victory!
To all of the prayer warriors that have prayed for this victory – you are the WE in WE WON! This victory would not have been possible without your petitions to the Lord and our Blessed Virgin Mother! Your prayers, sacrifice, and intercessions made the difference. This was not a partial victory. This is a complete victory for Our Lady of America.
It really is a mystery how Our Lady through Her intercession can bring perfection out of our actions of good intent but imperfect human acts. Throughout this litigation we did our best, but it was Our Lady through the intercession of your prayers that delivered the perfect outcome.
It is just like Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin to bring us perfection in all that She does. Starting with Her Immaculate Conception and then Her Fiat, She brought to us He who is that Perfect Gift. Jesus Christ Our Savior has come!
Please offer a prayer of Thanksgiving over the next few days.
From my family to yours – accept our deep appreciation for your aid and support in this work. Wishing you a Blessed Christmas and a Holy New Year, I remain Yours in Christ,
Al Langsenkamp
P.S. You are certainly asking: Where to from here with the devotion? Pray that Our Lady guides us.
Thanks be to God and Our Lady of America for this victory! While it grieves us that this delay and scandal have given opportunity to the evil one to advance his causes, bringing the U.S. to ever deeper lows day by day, we know that nothing is impossible with God! While it appears to be too late to turn this once great nation around to avoid the great chastisement through prayer and penance, it is never too late to save individuals still in need of conversion. Yet, who can underestimate what Our Lady can accomplish at the last minute, when the U.S. Bishops finally agree to fulfill Her request?! If Pope Francis approves and recommends the First Saturday Devotion at Fatima on May 13, 2017, (which Heaven still awaits) and if the Bishops of the U.S. (and the world) take up this Devotion of reparation with a return to purity, we can hope that Our Lady will obtain a great Miracle that may be similar to what was experienced on Oct. 13, 1917! Our Lord told Sr. Lucia, “It is never too late to have recourse to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.”
Susan Lovato
You asked the question somewhat proverbially… “Where does this devotion go from here? I have one answer for you. By the Lord’s prompting in November of 2014 I began work to begin a new religious community. It is a Society of Apostolic Life. We are working closely with our local Judicial Vicar so we may stay on the “canonically correct” path. Our name is Servants of Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling and the Our Lady of Amerca’s messages are part of our core devotions. I ama layperson and an oblate. Another oblate is a Monsignor here in my diocese. Our community was officially formed just a month ago on June 9, St. Ephrem’s Feast Day. Already we have two women interested in consecrated religious life in this community. Thank you for making materials available.. Please pray for our new community for benefactors and for the Lord to call workers for the harvest!
Susan Lovato
Founder, Servants of Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling
Judith E Vorndran
What wonderful work is being done with Our Lady of America helping. I pray for continued success with Pope Francis and the bishops.
Joe Toy
One of my daily prayers includes an invocation that Mother Mary’s statue OUR LADY OF AMERICA will very soon reside in her Immaculate Conception Basilica/Shrine in Washington, D.C, and that the bishops of our country will soon carry out her wish in solemn ceremony for just that event.