November 4, 2007 Indianapolis: The Our Lady of America statue was hosted at the Indianapolis, IN parish of Holy Rosary. Monsignor Joseph Schaedel, Pastor and Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, welcomed Our Lady to the sanctuary. During Her visit a presentation of the history and essence of the devotion was presented in the church basement meeting hall for parishioners and interested faithful.
Indianapolis Visitation

pam j
I believe these visitations were so important not only for the faithful and our country, but especially in the propagation of this important devotion. The visitation in Indianapolis in particular, was not only important at the time, but as we now know, would be of extreme import, when those who tried to halt the momentum of this devotion, by filing a counterclaim lawsuit here in Indianapolis against those with pure motives for promoting the devotion to Our Lady of America. Despite Bishop Blair’s order for the counterclaimants to drop said lawsuit, not only did they defy his directive and proceed with their suit, but when the jury found against them, they appealed and after further legal wrangling, they were once again defeated. Additionally, and of utmost importance, the court strongly recommended that no other appeals be entertained in the future!
I believe that those who tried to derail, defile and destroy this devotion were thwarted because Our Lady of America interceded in this court outcome at least in part because of the love and honor shown to her through the visitation of her statue in Indianapolis in 2007, as well as the prayers for the plaintiffs by those faithfully devoted to her under this title!
Our Lady of America and the devotion she requested under the same title not only prevailed but won a monumental victory!
The Indianapolis visitation was part of a nationwide Procession of her statue as Our Lady of America – it began in August 2007, in St. Louis, Archbishop Burke’s diocese at that time and culminated in Washington D.C., in the JP II Center just blocks from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception where she requested and is still waiting for enthronement as Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin!
Now hopefully the victory in the legal system, and our prayers for Our Lady of America’s requests will renew the momentum sparked by those nationwide processions and church visitations in 2007 and will greatly and Divinely inspire the U.S. Bishops to immediately fulfill her requests.
Especially with the upcoming election, please continue to pray that very soon, we will finally see the fulfillment of her requests as we witness the enthronement of her statue as Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin, in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.!
Barbara Rickman
Time To Push our bishops and be relentless! I have asked the Bishop of Bridgeport CT, Frank Caggiano to take the lead in encouraging his brother bishops to proceed with Our Lady’s wishes! He led a procession thru the streets of Norwalk CT on August 14, 2016, with an image of what would become known as Our Lady Or Norwalk. The image is in St. Mary Church, in Norwalk CT. I asked him to encourage his brother bishops to put Our Lady of America in her basilica as she asked and it now time for the laity of the church all over this nation to do the same! If we are really as patriotic as we say we are, why would we not want the very best for our troubled country? Is not Our Lady’s care for this nation, the ultimate good we want for America? If so, please, petition your bishop to support this request from Heaven itself! What better thing can we do for America? Really!
Rita Biesemans
Not a single day passes without killings
done in the most cold and horrific ways
each country has its dangerous villains
driven to perform their latest craze
Satan is a murderer and a thief
he is spitting God in His Face
he’s the devils commander in chief
in the war against the human race
The world drenched in total insanity
is guided by leaders in moral decay
causing the demise of us, humanity
bringing us closer to Judgment Day
O Lord, our Creator and Savior
how long will You let this go on
block this disgusting behavior
of our new luciferian Babylon
The world is a dangerous place
morals are under satan’s antenna
loving God is seen as a disgrace
they choose to live in a Gehenna
Satan knows his empire will end
thus works like crazy to collect
plenty of souls out of God’s Hand
but soon his plans will be wrecked.
Patiently,- not always o:( – waiting for
Jesus’ return. Our Lady please help us !!
Rita Biesemans, July 30 2016